Freebie Friday ~ Summer Activities

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Freebie Friday ~ Summer Activities

It’s Summer in Sunny South Africa and for the next 6 weeks, or so, the kidlets will be home looking for summer activities to keep them busy. We recently bought our first home *yay*, and now we have tons of space for the kidlets to run around and play. But I know that they will have moments of boredom. I don’t believe in entertaining my children all the time. I’m a HUGE proponent of them keeping themselves entertained and figuring out what they can do without constantly being glued to a screen. Here are a few fun printables to print out for your little ones when things get a little hairy.

Summer Coloring Pages and Word Tracing from Real Life at Home
Freebie Friday ~ Summer Activities
The following are each on one page of the summer-themed coloring pages printables packet:

Ice Cream
Beach Ball

Rainy Day Kids Activities from Momdot
Freebie Friday ~ Summer Activities
If you are creative you can come up with a ton of different ways to have fun. Shaving cream paint is one of our daily favorites (rain or shine!) or you can try your hand at colored spaghetti or oobleck. I also created a quick and easy In House Scavenger Hunt that you can download, print off, and get to the fun! This is good for kids of all ages. If you have an older kid, just hand them a pen and let them go. If you have a younger kid, you can use the secondary printable to just look for any objects around the house that have a specific color and then write them in.

30+ Free Printable Scavenger Hunts for Kids from Buggy and Buddy
Freebie Friday ~ Summer Activities
Sometimes you just need a quick activity you can print out to get the kids moving, learning, and having fun, and scavenger hunts always seem to fit the bill! Here’s 30 free printable scavenger hunts for kids!

Classroom Camping Unit from The Curriculum Corner
Freebie Friday ~ Summer Activities
This camping in the classroom collection includes a wide range of activities for a unique classroom theme or a fun end of the year celebration.

Bubble Wrap Beehive + Fingerprint Bee Craft from Crafty Morning
Freebie Friday ~ Summer Activities
I absolutely hate bees and they can make me scream running across the room in 1.3 seconds BUT today we decided to make cute little cartoon fingerprint bees! They don’t sting or bother you while you eat! 😉 We also used some of my leftover bubble wrap to make the little beehive! I think they turned out great.

NEW Water Fun Preschool Unit! from A Teaching Mommy
Freebie Friday ~ Summer Activities
Here are the printables included in this mini unit:

Roll & Graph
Size Sort
Beginning Writing/Cutting Practice
Size Sequencing
Stamping Strips
Counting Clip Cards
Number Order Puzzle
Which is Different?
Uppercase/Lowercase Letter Match

Free Ice Cream Printables from A Teaching Mommy
Freebie Friday ~ Summer Activities
I scream. You scream. We all scream for ice cream! I don’t know about your kiddos, but one of my kids’ favorite treats on a hot summer day is ice cream. Why not use their love of this cold delight to keep their brains active over the summer months with these FREE Ice Cream printables!

New Pool Time Preschool Unit from A Teaching Mommy
Freebie Friday ~ Summer Activities
Here are the printables included in this mini unit:

Roll & Graph
Size Sort
Beginning Writing/Cutting Practice
Size Sequencing
Stamping Strips
Counting Clip Cards
Number Order Puzzle
Which is Different?
Uppercase/Lowercase Letter Match

FREE Popsicles Preschool Unit! from A Teaching Mommy
Freebie Friday ~ Summer Activities
Here are the printables included in this unit:

Colors Mini Book
Spin & Graph
Size Sort
P is for Popsicle Magnet Page
Beginning Writing/Cutting Practice
Observations Sheet
Size Sequencing
Shape Puzzles
Counting Clip Cards




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Encouraging Hearts and Home Blog Hop #142

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Encouraging Hearts and Home

The Encouraging Hearts and Home Blog Hop (previously Hearts for Home Blog Hop) is a weekly blog hop that begins every Thursday morning. The theme of this blog hop is showing that our hearts are for our homes. Post topics include: homeschooling, marriage, parenting, homemaking, faith, budgeting, crafts, DIY projects and more! We would love to see you link up your posts. We feature the most popular post and a few of our favorites every week! Will you be one of the next Featured Bloggers?

Not a blogger? That’s okay! This blog hop will be your one stop location to finding ideas and inspiration for fulfilling your role as a wife, mother and follower of Christ. We are so glad you have stopped by!

Featured blogger with the most clicks last week ~ 10 Bible Verses to Share With Someone Who’s Celebrating (or Struggling) (Guilty Chocoholic Mama)
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Welcome! Please make sure to link directly to your post (not your main blog page) so we can find the fabulous post you want to share. Each week we will select someone’s blog link up that our readers “clicked” with the most and share some of my favorite posts that were linked up! Thank you!

Hearts for Home @ Monsters Ed Homeschooling Academy


Please make sure to display our Encouraging Hearts and Home button on your blog post, sidebar or tabs. This button can be found on the blog hop each week. Kindly make sure to visit some of the other wonderful bloggers who have linked up here. Were you featured on our Hearts for Home Blog Hop? Congratulations! Grab a Featured button to proudly display on your blog or website.

Hearts for Home @ Monsters Ed Homeschooling Academy


We invite everyone to get “clicking” and have some blog hopping fun!

We have created a Pinterest Board so that we can help spread the word on the blog’s that have had featured posts on our Encouraging Hearts and Home Blog Hop. Make sure to stop by and check it out HERE.

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Freebie Friday Linkup: Spring Resources

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freebie friday 2015

Spring Resources

Free Spring Printables from Monsters Ed
Spring Resources
Previous Freebie Friday Roundup

Garden Preschool Pack Printables from Homeschool Creations
Spring Resources
We primarily used the book Jack’s Garden by Henry Cole for our study about gardening along with several other great books. Here’s a look inside the first two parts of the Garden Preschool Pack:
~ Name tag strip and story summary sheet for front of lapbook or folder if you store your preschool pack
~ Gardening words {and 2 part word and picture matching cards}
~ Water the Flower tracing lines
~ Cabbage Counting Game ~ counting & number identification cards
~ Parts of a Flower cards and How a Flower Grows game
~ Beginning sound word cards and tracing strips
~ Rhyming word cards
~ Letter P and G word tracing sheets
~ and MUCH more!!!!

Spring Egg-Stravaganza! from Live Speak Love
Spring Resources
After what seems like barely even a winter (not one single snow day or even a school delay for my county!) spring has officially arrived. I realized yesterday that there is very little time left before spring break, and I quickly began gathering my materials for the spring kickoff season. Some of my favorite activities revolve around spring themes — Easter eggs, baby chicks and bunnies, the switch to warm-weather clothing and spending more time outside. I am very excited to share with you some of the resources I have developed and will be using with my students.

Spring Fun Tot Pack from 1+1+1=1
Spring Resources
It’s ready! I included a few different themes all together for one big Spring Fun page. You’ll find all of the Baby Animals printables, as well as some I have made but haven’t even used with K yet {but will in the next few weeks}.

All About Spring Fun Pack {FREE Pre-K/K Printable Pack} from
Spring Resources
This package contains more than 25 pages of activities including:

Color by number
Printing practice and coloring sheets
Cutting and pasting activities
Matching Game
All About Spring booklet with comprehension questions
Which comes first sequencing activity

Flower Fun with Categories from Lindsey Karol
Spring Resources
Target a child’s ability to name items that belong to a category with this packet that includes 30 category cards.

To prepare: Print, laminate, and cut out all category cards.

To use: Students take turns drawing category cards and naming items that belong to the category on the card.

Spring: Free ‘L’ Articulation Cards from Jenna Rayburn
Spring Resources
Check out this freebie for the ‘L’ sounds as a preview to my Early Developing and Later Developing Articulation Games for Spring.

Spring Yarn Tree – Seasons – Spring Dot Printables from 3Dinosaurs
Spring Resources
Spring Pack Extra!
Here is some fun Spring Dot Marker fun! 8 pages of Spring Trees and Flowers.




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Freebie Friday Linkup: Winter Resources

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freebie friday 2015

Winter Resources

Winter Freebie (Pre-K/K Fun Pack 25+ Pages) from Serving Joyfully
Winter Resources
25+ pages of fun-filled learning activities focusing on language arts, mathematics, and problem-solving. And a lot of fun to go along with it.

You’ll find:

Winter booklet for early readers, along with comprehension questions
Patterns worksheets
Writing practice
Cutting/Pasting activities
Counting and adding
Winter match game
Coloring Sheets
And More!

Snowflake Printable Pack from Life is Peachy
Winter Resources
Activities included in the Snowflake Printable Pack:
Pattern Practice
Shape Tracing
Mini Counting Book
9-Piece Puzzles
Pre-Writing Practice
Do A Dot Art Marker pages
Sorting by Size

Snow & Ice Printables from A Teaching Mommy
Winter Resources
Is it too cold to venture outside? Don’t let the bitter temps keep your preschooler or tots from having some wintry fun. These FREE Snow & Ice printables will bring the season inside, so you can stay warm.

Winter Fun Printables from A Teaching Mommy
Winter Resources
Looking to have a little winter fun indoors with your preschooler or tot? Then these FREE winter fun printables are just what you need from A Teaching Mommy
Winter Resources
This week we are expanding our Polar Lands Theme printables.

The Winter Water Cycle from A Teaching Mommy
Winter Resources
We try to come up with fun activities for science with your little ones! Since we are studying snow and ice this week it presents a wonderful opportunity to introduce the water cycle to your kiddos and then revisit the process when spring rains come.

Snow and Ice Counting Book and Magnet Pages from A Teaching Mommy
Winter Resources
Well, there is no snow and ice yet in our neck of the woods. Apparently that is the case with most of the country though! I heard today that parts of Texas have had more snow this season than Buffalo, New York! Talk about crazy! So you won’t likely be counting any real snowflakes for awhile this Snowflake Counting Book might fill in the gap!

Raising Rock Stars ~ Snowflakes from 1+1+1=1
Winter Resources
The purpose of our time was to emphasize that God made snowflakes just like he made people and that we are special to God and also very unique. We used an awesome lesson from Danielle’s Place to illustrate what it feels like to be blown around just like a snowflake and to know that God is always with us no matter where we may blow.

Winter Fun from 1+1+1=1
Winter Resources

This is a Tot Pack featuring many different printables for you to use with your tot or preschooler. Put some together into a Tot Book, or keep them separate for a Tot Pack.

{FREE} Snowman Preschool Pack from 123 Homeschool 4 Me
Winter Resources
Snowman Preschool Worksheets
This free preschool pack has free educational worksheets for kids ages 3-7 yeas old. Here is a little bit of what you’ll find:
FREE Snowman Preschool Pack with educational worksheets for toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade
Patterning & Sequencing with Snowmen
Read & Build words with SCRABBLE tiles
Cut & Paste Frosty’s Top Hat
Cut & Paste the Seasons
Clocks: minutes, telling time, and counting by 5’s
Which one’s biggest and other fun with sizes
How many snowman? Practice with counting, numbers, and oral addition/subtraction
Identifying upper & lower case F’s
Tactile letter F (finger trace, play dough mat, glue & sand/glitter/rice, etc.)
Cutting practice
Amazing Mazes (2 levels): Fine Motor Skills & Pre-writing practice
Beginning letter sounds: H,S, B,C
Add it up Dice Math: Addition 0-12
Letter S practice
Tracing color words

from 1st Grade Learning Stars
Winter Resources
This is like the make a word, but it uses words that make sentences. Cut out each sheet and put into it’s own baggie, there are 4 altogether. The students make a sentence from the words. Then the students record what they made on to the recording sheet. I’ve made all of these activities because it’s getting so close to our Winter Break and the kids need something a bit different than the usual stuff I have them using. There is so much energy in the air and it’s only December 7th. Actually, I’m enjoying watching the kids excitement grow each day during this time of the year. We only have 7 more school days until our break. But hey, who’s counting!

More Winter Math from 1st Grade Learning Stars
Winter Resources
Here’s another math game I made for the concept of tens and ones. What I want my kids to do is write the numbers out in expanded notation (even though they don’t know that’s what they are doing). You could do it as just how many tens and how many ones. Either way, I hope your children enjoy this one.

Penguin Doubles Cover Up from Ms Arnold
Winter Resources
This game is perfect for math stations or a small teacher directed group. The game comes with four game boards, storage labels and directions.

The Mitten Unit & Lapbook Printables from Homeschool Share
Winter Resources
Author: Jan Brett
ISBN: 039921920X
Level 2 & 3 unit by Ginger A.
lapbook printables by Kelly Cooper and Ami

Free Printable Snowman Craft for Christmas! from Smarty Pants Fun
Winter Resources
This project has been “tested”. I printed out a few copies and let my little sisters go for it. They loved it! Which is good because this one was allot of work.




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Freebie Friday Linkup: Autumn Resources

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freebie friday 2015

Autumn Resources

Autumn Calendar Cards from Counting Coconuts
Autumn Resources
A while back, on my CC Facebook Page, I took a poll about which style of calendar cards I should make next. Quite a few of you gave your input (thank you!) and it was a tight race, but I ultimately chose an Autumn/Harvest theme. I hope you find them useful in the coming months!

Fall Fun To-Do List from Family Education
Autumn Resources
Celebrate the cooler weather with this printable checklist of fun fall activities. Print it out to hang on your fridge, and check each one off as you go along!

Symmetrical Autumn leaves matching activity from SparkleBox
Autumn Resources

Fall Freebies!!! from Flying into First Grade
Autumn Resources
Enjoy!!! Letter Matching game, emergent reader, and leaf color graph.

Autumn Gnome Pre-K Pack from Over the Big Moon
Autumn Resources
Included in this Pre-K Pack is:

Prewriting Practice Sheets – Cutting Practice – Which one is different?
Finish the Pattern Sheet – Size Sequencing Sheet – Gnome Strip Puzzle
4-piece Puzzles – Sorting Practice – Counting Practice Cards – Color the Gnome
Letter and Sound Finding Cards – 3-Part Vocabulary Cards – Shadow Matching

Autumn Fairy Pre-K Pack from Over the Big Moon
Autumn Resources
Included in this Pre-K Pack is:

Prewriting Practice Sheets – Cutting Practice – Which one is different?
Finish the Pattern Sheet – Size Sequencing Sheet – Fairy Strip Puzzle
4-piece Puzzles – Sorting Practice – Counting Practice Cards – Color the Fairy
Letter and Sound Finding Cards – 3-Part Vocabulary Cards – Shadow Matching

Fall Fun Learning Pack ~ Free Printables from Homeschool Creations
Autumn Resources
The Fall Fun Learning Printables includes two separate downloads, one geared toward younger Preschoolers and another for Kindergarten. You’ll find word and letter tracer sheets, early writing strips, find the different object, and beginning sound cards along with a few other fun pieces ~ the Clip & Learn Wheel, fill in the missing number, shadow matching and more.

Free Fall Pack! from 3Dinosaurs
Autumn Resources
Fall Pack contains over 170 pages:
3 Part Cards, Which One Is Different, What Comes Next, Pre Writing Practice, Pattern Cards, 10 Piece Puzzles, 4 Piece Puzzles, Beginning Sound, Find the Same, Fall Word Matching, Size Sorting, Color Sorting, Clip and Count Cards, Math, Shadow Matching, Sorting, Read Write the Room, Word Search, Color the Pattern, Unscramble the Words, Color by Size, Word Search, Leaf Path, 2 Small Books Color and Much, Much More.

Tot Pack:
Basic Prewriting, Cutting Practice, 2 Part Puzzles, Matching, Coloring the Apple, Coloring the Leaf, 9 Piece Puzzle

Fall Pack Extra: More Fall Dot Marker Pages from 3Dinosaurs
Autumn Resources
You can three more types: fall tree, sunflower, and acorn. There are 2 activities for each. We have had so much fun doing these. I hope you enjoy them!

Remember there are many ways to do these. Never just one way.

Leaves Preschool Pack from A Teaching Mommy
Autumn Resources
Check out our new and expanded “Leaves” unit! We’ve added a few new printables, which you can download.

Preschool Math Worksheet -Fall Patterns from Learning Treasures
Autumn Resources
Teaching patterning skills to young learners help them think logically. This improves their math skills. Cutting and pasting improves their fine motor skills. This fun math worksheet made by Flipper helps do both.

Fall File Folder Games from File Folder Fun
Autumn Resources
Pumpkin Life Cycle Printables
Turkey Math Matching Game
Fall Leaf Photo Matching Cards
Number Words Learning Center
Missing Letter Pumpkin Patch




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Freebie Friday Linkup: Summer Resources

This post may contain affiliate links which help support my family. Thank you for stopping by.

freebie friday 2015

Summer Resources

Summer Printables from Monsters Ed
Summer Resources
Various free printables available online.

“Where” is Pool Party for Locations and Questions from Liz Haider
Summer Resources
Simple speech activity to work on basic where questions and describing locations. The cards show kids at a pool party and they are; in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind, and over things. Kids need to describe the location and answer the question.

FREE!! Chickabug summer printables at How Does She from Chickabug
Summer Resources
Just in time for summer, here’s my latest FREE printable that’s available through HowDoesShe! You get four circle designs and a water bottle label design in an easy-to-use printable PDF – just for joining their mailing list. These designs are exclusive to HowDoesShe – you won’t see them anywhere else!

Summer Teaching Resources from Early Learning HQ
Summer Resources
A collection of summer themed printable teaching resources ideal to use as a starting point for your classroom displays and activities. Includes editable summer topic word cards, notepaper, display posters and bingo cards. If you have an idea for a resource to go in this section then please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

Summer Planning Activities from Early Learning HQ
Summer Resources
A collection of early years (EYFS) / key stage 1 (KS1) activity ideas that are ideal to use in the summer term. This section includes fun craft activities, beach related games and lots ideas relating to this topic that you can try in your classroom or early years setting. You may also be interested in our Seaside/Beach section and Under the Sea section.




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