Monday Monster Printable Madness #12 – Thanksgiving Tot Mega Activity Pack

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spring has sprung
Thanksgiving is a delightful time to engage toddlers in fun, educational activities, and our Thanksgiving Tot Mega Activity Pack is perfect for this purpose. This pack contains 35 pages of exciting activities designed to foster creativity and essential skills in young learners.
THANKSGIVING Monsters Ed Tot Activity Pack
What’s Included in the Pack?
– Number Puzzles: Two puzzles (1-5, 1-10) to enhance number recognition.
– Colouring Booklet: Filled with Thanksgiving-themed images for children to colour.
– Number Recognition Booklet: Helps tots identify numbers through playful illustrations.
– Shapes Booklet: Introduces basic shapes using festive designs.
– Colour by Number: A creative way to merge art with number skills.
– Do-a-Dot Letter Pages: Two pages for practising letter recognition.
– Matching Activity Page: Fun activities that promote visual recognition.
– Counting Posters: Two vibrant posters displaying numbers from 1 to 20.
– Jigsaw Puzzles: Three puzzles (9, 6, & 4 pieces) that challenge problem-solving skills.

This pack complements our previous offerings, including the Turkey Time Preschool Mega Activity Pack, which provides engaging activities for younger children, and the Thanksgiving Kindergarten Mega Activity Pack, tailored for slightly older kids. We also have the Happy Thanksgiving Preschool Mega Activity Pack, designed to keep preschoolers entertained while learning.

Each of these packs encourages exploration of Thanksgiving themes while developing essential maths and literacy skills. Make this holiday season memorable with our Thanksgiving Tot Mega Activity Pack, ensuring your little ones enjoy both fun and educational experiences!

Thank you for popping by and don’t miss next week’s introduction of our BONUS Happy Thanksgiving Kindergarten Mega Activity Pack!

If you have any suggestions on printables you’d like to see, please leave a comment below.




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Friday Freebie ~ Totschool Resources

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Totschool Resources

Here are some of my favourite free Totschool resources. It has been quite a while since I’ve had a tot in the home. My “baby” is 11 years old! Totschool is something I did with all 3 my youngest children and found it incredibly beneficial when I was schooling the older children.

100+ Free Toddler Printables from

This is a growing collection of free printables for toddlers, designed for ages approximately 18 months – 36 months.

Tot School from 1+1+1=1

Tot School was developed here! The name has spread far and wide across the Internet, but if you’re wondering where the name originally came from, you are in the right place! My oldest son gave the name to this concept when he was just 6 years old…

Tot School isn’t really school at all, it is simply a name given to the idea of learning through play at home during the younger years.

Mommy Made Printables from Totally Tots

Our Mission for Totally Tots is to unite and encourage Christian Moms to train up their children in the way they should go. We desire Totally Tots to be a place where we encourage one another in love, and joyfully share ideas that will strengthen us in training up the next generation of Kingdom warriors. We believe that we can learn from each other’s experiences and provide wisdom gained by them.

We believe that one of the best ways to do this is to encourage each other in faith, by our spoken and written words. It is our hope that as we unite women in Christ, the young will glean wisdom from the old, one will gain strength from another, and together we’ll shed light to the world. Our greatest hope is that through all we share on Totally Tots – that our children will be a reflection of our hearts on fire for His glory.

Totschool Resources on

There are tons of free Totschool resources on

Totschool resources from Tot School Resources

As a busy mom it can be hard to keep toddlers and preschoolers entertained. I created TotSchool Resources to provide ideas for crafts & activities you can easily do at home whether you’re doing homeschool preschool or just need to keep your little one entertained.

Totschool Activites & Crafts from Shannon’s Totschool

Do you need some inspiration for activities to do with your own tots? You are in the right place!

Totschool: Planning Totschool Trays & Activities For The Week from Year Round Homeschooling with Misty Leask

When Fifi was a baby, I was fortunate enough to go to a little seminar held by Lauryan over at Edukits. The topic of discussion was “Toddler Taming: Stimulating and Teaching Toddlers through Play.” What has stayed with me the most over the last 5.5 years, is the importance of routine and how it benefits both the child and the parent/caregiver.

Teeny Tiny Tot School from Confessions of a Homeschooler

I used a lot of the resources from Confessions of a Homeschooler for my little one when they started joining our school sessions.

There are so many free resources online, I’ve collated a few themes to help you out. You can find those freebies HERE!




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Freebie Friday ~ 4 NEW Monsters Ed Christmas FREEBIES

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Christmas is fast approaching! I can hardly believe that we are already at the end of 2022. What a roller coaster ride the last few years have been. To celebrate the festive season, I’ve created these FREE early education mini packs. These will remain free on Monsters Ed forever!

Each mini pack includes the following festive activities:
Complete the pattern

Do-a-Dot letter activity (can be completed with either do-a-dot markers, pompoms or stickers)

Number recognition peg activity

Name recognition concertina book

Colour matching cards

I like to make up the mini packs in a file folder. This keeps the activities together and the file folder fits into a large envelope, which is easy to store.

Click on the image below to download the Mini Packs!




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Tot School

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Tot School
~Fifi is 17 months old~

It dawned on me tonight that I don’t take pics of Fifi while we are busy with her Tot School. I definitely need to start doing that. Here are a few photos of her during the boys’ school time ♥

Blowing her nose, she just loves doing this, esp with the soft wet wipes. She has a “tissue” in her hand in most of these pics, LOL

She just loves Pikkie our little dog, she is about 12 or 13 years old already and is just fabulous with the children

Stacking juice cups

Taking part in the counting lesson which forms part of our Letter of the Week Bb

Watching the garden service guys do their thing

Koko got edible finger paints from Edukits from my mom and step father for his birthday and Fifi loves them.

You can find my homemade finger paint recipe here.

free glitter text and family website at

Tot School this week

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Tot School
~Koko is 35 months old~

Koko has suddenly taken to his Totbooks. He worked through the “Big Machines”, “Cars” and “Tarzan” totbooks and 2 File Folder Games in one night. He then decided to pull out my totbook/filefolder game file and redo his “Shapes and colours” and “dinosaur” totbooks again. He was on a roll. I have since realised that he is ready for preschool work and I’ll be starting Letter of the Week and more in depth lessons. I’m looking forward to this new part of our homeschool journey.

Fifi has started drawing. She is even holding the pencils and pens correctly. Here she’s busy “drawing” (more like punching holes in the page, LOL) while watching “Gerald McBoingboing. Isn’t she just the cutest little thing ♥

free glitter text and family website at

Tiny Tot Life School

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Fifi is 9 months old

Practica Activities: Age 9 months

This week we will be doing the following (from the Practica Parent’s Manual) over the next few weeks. This will be done during the course of the next few weeks. Fifi will not have “formal” tot school at this stage.

1. Intellectual Development
2. Curiosity
3. Play
4. Awareness of Self
5. Sensory Perception
6. Emotional Development
7. Physical Development
8. Independence
9. Manual Dexterity and eye-hand Coordination
10. Social Development
11. Listening Skills
12. Language comprehension
13. Speech Development
14. Communication